
{birth story} baby Fei :: Northern Virginia home birth photographer

I have spent the last few days putting together the slideshow for baby Fei’s birth, and as I’ve selected the images to tell the story, I have found myself in awe over this amazing mama and beautiful birth. Despite taking place while Hurricane Sandy raged outside, it was such a peaceful and gentle birth. There was no “directing” mama what to do – she just knew. And in the midst of a crazy intense 2 hour labor, she made it look so effortless. Supported by her husband, her midwife, and her two-year-old daughter, she calmly did the work of birthing her baby. I walked away convinced that this is what birth can be: supported, gentle, natural. There was no fear, just quiet confidence…and a beautiful, beautiful new life.

full story site: click here
birth location: home
midwife: Tammi McKinley, Northern Virginia Midwifery
birth assistant: Camilla Yrure, Revel Birth Services 

  1. mom says:

    Gave me goosebumps! Wow.

  2. Ceste says:

    ur best yet! Wow! Love all the looks of wonder from the 2 yr old, looking on…and the mama & the daddy’s teamwork, supporting each other

  3. Jenna says:

    I am totally crying… that was just beautiful and what a lovely miracle. I adore seeing Tammi and Camilla at work! I can’t wait until May for mine!

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