letters to baby

finding out {letters to my baby}

I’ve decided to add a regular Thursday feature here at the blog: letters to my baby. The idea of writing to my baby is something I’ve planned for a long time, and now that I’m here, I’m finding it’s helping me to connect to my baby as a real person. Welcome to the first installment!

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Dear baby,

One week ago I took a pregnancy test and found out that I’m pregnant with you! Daddy and I were so excited. Daddy started seeing the test turn positive before I did and he said, “That sure looks positive to me.” I didn’t believe him so I sort of pushed him out of the way so I could see. We started laughing uncontrollably and hugging each other. I couldn’t believe it – I even took a different kind of pregnancy test just to make sure. Then we rushed into the other room and started making phone calls so we could tell everyone the good news. Everyone is so excited about you, baby. They can’t wait to meet you!

So far I don’t really feel pregnant. I have a few mild symptoms, like having to use the bathroom more often, but none of the really nasty stuff like nausea. I haven’t even had much tiredness, although yesterday afternoon and evening I thought the tiredness was finally hitting.

I’m five weeks tomorrow, which means there are only 35 weeks to go. I’m excited to meet you, but I’m excited about every step along the way too and I’m not in a hurry. In a few more weeks you’ll be able to hear music – I can’t wait to share some of my favorites with you. I think we will listen to Beethoven the most – he is my favorite composer and I think you will like his stuff a lot. He was pretty brilliant.

I think the craziest thing to me so far is that I feel so much love for you already. The pregnancy books say that you’re the size of a green pea and that you’re adding a million cells every minute. That’s crazy to me – how can I have this much love for something so small? But I do. I wonder about you – will you be a boy or a girl? Will you be an introvert or an extrovert? Will you love music and books or will you build treehouses and want to become an engineer? I’m so looking forward to discovering you and getting to know you.

We’re already making plans for your birth. Well, truth be told, we started making plans before we even knew about you. I had met a local midwife last year whom I fell in love with, so we emailed her right away. We’re going to have you at home, barring any complications – I want it to be quiet and peaceful and happy. If things work out, I might even be able to have a waterbirth – wouldn’t that be fun? I think you’d like it.

Be healthy, my little one.


  1. Katie says:

    Oh sure Heidi, make me cry. haha
    Seriously though, this post just made my day, what a beautiful idea to write to your baby. I’m so so so happy for you and your husband. This little one is going to be super lucky to have such loving parents. Can’t wait to keep reading all your thoughts to your baby. 🙂 Congratulations again. Cherish every single moment.

    Much love,

  2. EMBG says:

    So sweet, Heidi. You are going to be a wonderful mother! 🙂
    I’ve thought about a waterbirth too… I want to hear all about it if you do it.

  3. Grampa says:

    I’m not gonna be able to read this every week if it has the same effect on me. Can lacrimal glands wear out?

  4. yeah, so I’m still wrapping my brain around the “Mommy” and “Daddy” that are Mike and Heidi to me…

  5. Anna Howard says:

    awww, so sweet! such a great idea… and yeah, mommy and daddy sounds weird on you (and on me!! I’m not adjusting to the title 😛 the concept yes, but not the title… ah well, 6 more months of brain work 😉 )

  6. Lina Gentry says:

    Aw! THat is the sweetest thing I have ever written! That is so sweet to think about sharing these letters with him or her one day. What a great idea! I want to do this for our baby whenever he or she comes along too. Can I steal it too? Remember, imitation is the best form of flattery 😉

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