
tired {pet peeves}

Since this is my blog, I figure I can use it for the occasional vent about various pet peeves of mine…because, after all, what a person doesn’t like tells us as much about them as what they do like.

Today has been the first time since we found out I’m pregnant that I’ve been really wiped out. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with getting up approximately every hour last night to use the bathroom. I’ve tried to take about three naps today, each one has been interrupted by trips to the bathroom every thirty minutes. So I guess my main pregnancy symptom is: having to pee, a LOT! It’s kind of annoying but I guess it could be a lot worse.

I keep reading in the pregnancy books about how you will experience this “bone tiredness” in the first trimester that is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. Everyone is telling me that getting up in the middle of the night is God’s way of preparing me for being up with a newborn.  I haven’t slept through the night in probably ten years, so I don’t think I really need this particular lesson. (But that’s okay, I tend to think it’s from my uterus pressing on my bladder rather than a spiritual lesson.)

Anyway, I don’t think there is any sort of tired in the universe that holds a candle to the tired that comes when you have a non-functioning thyroid gland compounded by adrenal fatigue. It’s a tired that can’t be cured by sleep, a tired that’s not just physical but mental, emotional, spiritual. I spent about two years in that tired before we started finding the optimum thyroid dose that brought me out of the fog. I sort of laugh about the idea that a mere “lack of sleep” could possibly have anything on those years of tired.

Call me strange, but I actually love the idea of being tired because of getting up in the night to tend to a baby. It’s such a beautiful and good reason to be tired. Very different than being utterly exhausted despite sleeping for 18 out of the last 24 hours because your hormones don’t function properly…that is not a good reason at all.

So yeah…I guess it’s a little pet peeve of mine when people tell me that I have no idea what tired feels like. Tired and I know each other very well, and I’m okay with being tired, whether because of getting up many times to pee at night because of my growing uterus, or because of getting up to nurse baby several times a night. There are good and bad reasons to be tired, and having a baby has got to be just about the best reason I can think of.

So, reading back over this post, I’m seeing that it sounds a bit snarky…but….well, snarky is part of who I am and the whole point of blogging is to be yourself, right? So there you have it – snarkiness and all.

  1. Ceste says:

    u r so cute! I’m so happy for u & Mike!

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